How do I add a Landbox to my Drone order?

If you would like a landbox added to your order, we require the following information to be provided:

  • Total Area
  • Dimensions
  • Shape of property
  • Which image(s) to place the landbox on 

This information can be added using the Correction Tool. Log in to the Diakrit shop and select Orders and click on your order. Click on the Photo (Delivered) tab and then click the Corrections tab. Select the photo you wish to add a Land box to and click Edit image. Draw the shape of the land on top of the image(s), add the dimensions via the comment box as well as any other relevant instructions.

Our production team will then re-edit the image and deliver an updated copy with the landbox measurements. If more information needs to be provided i.e a digital copy of the land title, you may send an email to our Customer Solutions team who will then help you process this request.

Please make sure that the land that you want a landbox for is highlighted on the land title and that the measurements are converted into meters. Diakrit will not be responsible for converting any number to meters.

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